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West Heights Community Elementary
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Principal's Message


​West Heights Community School
32065 Van Velzen Avenue
Mission, BC V2V 2G6
Phone: 604-826-6401 Fax: 604-826-9934

Mission Public School District is located on the Traditional, Ancestral, Unsurrendered, and Shared territories of Stó:lō people, of Leq'á:mel, Semá:th, Máthxwi, Sq'éwlets and Qwó:ltl'el First Nations, stewards of this land since time immemorial.

Dear West Heights Families,

On behalf of the staff at West Heights I want to welcome everyone to the 2023/24 school year. My
name is Jordan Klassen, and I am honoured to have the opportunity to return as Principal of West
Heights Community School.

I want to thank staff, students, and families for a great start to the school year. Students have had the
opportunity to reacquaint themselves with classmates, connect with teachers and settle into their new

As a school we take pride in being an inclusive and welcoming place. As a learning community we strive
to provide enriching experiences that honour the development of the entire student. Intellectual,
emotional, social, and physical growth are the pillars of which our ideals rest. We acknowledge the
crucial role families, community members, staff and students play in learning.

Each year the Mission School District adopts one of the 7 sacred teachings. This year’s sacred teaching as
selected by the Elders of the Siwal Si’wes Advisory Council is Honesty (the’itqel) and is represented by
the sasquatch (Sasq’ets).

As a letter from the Siwal Si’wes department stated, honesty “…requires us to be true to ourselves, and
to understand the truth of others’ perspectives.”

With a new school year comes renewal. It is my wish that we as a community of families, staff and
students walk with a sense of honesty in that which makes us unique, knowing that we are all better
when we learn from one another.

On behalf of the staff at West Heights Community School, we look forward to working alongside each of
you as we begin the journey of this school year together.

Jordan Klassen,